
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Aimee Marcella and Emily Brady - Fundraising After a Controversy
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Imagine working for an institution that had been mired in financial and political challenges for more than a decade. And being tasked with increasing both alumni engagement and fundraising dollars. Emily Brady and Aimee Marcella, long-time fundraising professionals, both spent time working for the University of Bridgeport, an institution that had spent much of the 90's in financial and political crisis, nearly closing its doors and then being financially rescued by an affiliate of the controversial Unification Church. This led to a two year faculty strike and the loss of thousands of students. When Aimee and Emily found themselves at the University in 2013/2014, the dust had settled and things were looking up. However, the hard work of engaging their constituents had just begun.

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Sarah Landman discusses Millennial Philanthropy
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Sarah Landman is an experienced major gift officer, raising more than $500 million throughout her career. She is also the leader of two national fundraising consulting firms and is currently serving as Sr. VP at insightful, the philanthropy division at NewsBank. Landman also writes and speaks on the topic of millennial philanthropy at regional and national conferences. Today, we discuss the challenges (and opportunities) facing nonprofits that are trying to connect with millennial donors.